Most voice over people have home studios and have been operating from the residential “world headquarters” for some time. For other folks, this “home game” thing is new.
I asked people with residential studios to share a photo of their set up. They range from basic to fancy. Here are some highlights.
From John Moore…

Here’s where Jason Bishop works…

Josh Holstead is also “Rowdy Yates.”

Here’s where Jim West originates his sessions.

Dave Wilhelmi’s set up…

Bruce Neumann works for 6ABC TV in Philadelphia and now generates TV promos from home.

John Colwell does a live oldies show from this place.

Mark Erickson gets it done here…

Douglas C. Brown is good to go…

Here’s where my dogs and I work…

Steve Eberhart goes on the air live from here.

For Joe Collins, this is master control.

Jody Dean’s rig.

Bobby Gray is locked and loaded.

“Shotgun Tom” Kelly works out here.

And, Ken Levine originates his podcast, “Hollywood & Levine” from this studio.

Computers and the Internet have certainly made things more simple that in days gone by!

Ideas or questions? Email is [email protected]
Comment (1)
Mike Hagerty
March 23, 2020 at 7:25 amWow! That’s a great tour and idea-starter, Charlie (I’ve yet to put together a home studio)! I like yours for its elegance, John Colwell’s won me over for having turntables and those great ITC cart decks, Joe Collins has one of my favorite audio consoles, the old Autogram/Rockwell Collins.
And how big is Shotgun Tom’s house, anyway? I’ve heard tell of the full-size Tonight Show set, I see the model trains through the studio window—and that studio, too—with another of my favorite consoles, the Pacific Recorders slide-pot!